in brief

Filtration in brief
Contamination Control in the hydraulic system is a very wide and complex matter; the following is just a short summary.
Our Customer Service is at your disposal for any further information.
The function of the fluid in the hydraulic systems is transmitting forces and motion.
In view of a reliable and efficient operation of the system, it is very important to select the fluid considering the requirements of the system and the specific working conditions (working pressure, environment temperature, location of the system, etc.).
Depending on the required features (viscosity, lubricant capacity, anti-wear protection, density, resistance to ageing and to thermal variances, materials compatibility, etc.), the proper oil can be selected among a number of mineral oils (the most popular), synthetic fluids, water based fluids, environmental friendly fluids, etc.
All the hydraulic fluids are classified according to international standards. Solid contamination is recognized as the main reason for malfunction, failures and early decay in hydraulic systems; it is impossible to eliminate completely it, but it can be well kept under control with proper devices (filters).
No matter which fluid is used, it must be kept at the contamination level required by the most sensitive component used on the system.
Beta ratio
ßx = (nin = X μm) : (nout = X μm)
where “n” is the number of particles = x μm upstream and downstream from the filter.
E.g. if you have 100.000 particles = 10μm upstream and 1.000 particles downstream:
ß10 = 100.000 : 1.000 = 100
Filtration efficiency η(%):
- η = 100 - (100 : ß)
- i.e.
- ßx = 2 means = 50,00 %
- ßx = 20 means = 95,00 %
- ßx = 75 means = 98,67 %
- ßx = 100 means = 99,00 %
- ßx = 200 means = 99,50 %
- ßx = 1.000 means = 99,90 %

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