In the December 2022 issue, the Italian magazine “Macchine Trattori” celebrated the UFI Filters Hydraulics’ 30 years of experience
The article, published in the last issue of “Macchine Trattori”, traces the main stages in the UFI Filters Hydraulics’ history, from the company’s birth, back in 1992 in Bolgare, in the province of Bergamo, to the recent acquisition of the German company Friedrichs Filter Systeme, which produces hydraulic products for the industrial sector.
UFI Filters Hydraulics has been dedicated for 30 years to the design, production and marketing of hydraulic filters, as well as to the creation of innovative and sustainable solutions in the fields of hydraulic filtration, both mobile and industrial.
UFI Filters Group’s hydraulics division now employs more than 180 people in four production plants (Italy, Germany, China and India) and nine sales offices around the world.
Thirty years of components in the name of innovation
The Macchine Trattori article then presents various filtration solutions from UFI Filters Hydraulics, including the ‘Tank Top’ filters for the return line, then focusing in particular on the products presented during the last EIMA in Bologna: the suction filter with anti-drainage valve, the mobile filtration unit in green version, and the electric differential indicator with dual setting.
Courtesy of Macchine Trattori magazine, we reproduce below the full article regarding UFI Filters Hydraulics’ 30 years of experience, which is also available on the magazine’s website by clicking here.
For more information regarding the products shown in the Macchine Trattori article, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Enjoy the reading!