UFI Filters Hydraulics Cross Reference identifies competitor and OE filter elements and finds the correct UFI part number quickly and accurately
UFI Filters Hydraulics is pleased to present the new release of Cross Reference, the webtool that efficiently finds the right UFI part for your hydraulic system when you enter competitor product part number, obsolete SOFIMA part number or OE part number.
The new Cross Reference features a specific product page that provides further technical specifications and allows the user to verify the dimensions and other important information, such as the filtration media, filtration rating, packaging and weight.
Furthermore, the results of the search include both the single UFI equivalent part number to the original one and a complete reference list of competitor and OE parts replaced by UFI Filters Hydraulics part.
How to use UFI Filters Hydraulics Cross Reference
UFI Filters Hydraulics Cross Reference is a user-friendly webtool and is easily accessible from any device 24 hours a day.
You can search our database of over 40,000 filter element part numbers by following these simple steps:
- Have your part number ready; you can even use a partial or incomplete part number
- Click on UFI Filters Hydraulics Cross Reference from the Webtool section of the UFI Filters Hydraulics website
- Type in at least 3 digits of your part number in the search bar
- Verify the technical features of the identified product
- Look for the nearest retailer or send an enquiry to our Sales Department using our contact form, directly from the search result page
- Can’t find the part number you need? Submit an inquiry about an unknown filter to our Staff
Same exact standards as original UFI Filters Hydraulics elements
UFI Filters Hydraulics manufactures high-quality replacement filters for many other brands including Baldwin, Donaldson, Filtrec, Hydac, MP Filtri, Pall, Parker etc.
UFI Filters Hydraulics’ expertise ensures that you have access to field-tested products and services designed to meet your standard or custom requirements.
All UFI filter elements, both original and replacement, undergo the same rigorous testing and manufacturing processes to meet the most demanding OE and aftermarket requirements.
The UFI Filters Hydraulic Cross Reference database contains over 40,000 matches for elements designed to be fully interchangeable with originals, both competitive and OE, ensuring equal or better performance.
Try the new cross-reference now or contact our sales team for more information.